Thursday, August 16, 2007

Is My Blog Pink??

Today I signed up for blogspot, mostly on a whim. More and more of my friends are using it, and I am mainly hoping that there'll be some cool feature that will tell me when my friends have updated their blogs. As much as I love checking multiple blogs daily so I stay up to date. I also got sick of signing my comments "anonymous." So I picked a name (anyone recognize the quote?) and started flipping through sample templates.

Since blogs seem to be virtual representations of one's personality, this is supposed to be a big decision. But I'm still in my pjs, and I'm still waking up, so who cares? I went with the template that I liked best on gut instinct. But, as I went to click Continue I realized that my choice would mean a pink blog. And I paused.

A pink blog? Am I ok with that? Will my readers think I have some sort of conservative-reactionary exaggerated feminity? For that matter, will I have any readers? And if I do, should I let the prospect of what my possible future readers might possibly think dictate my template choice? Of course, I can make the argument that this isn't really pink, it's more mauve, burgandy, wine, etc. And then of course, there are the personal considerations. Do I have some sort of reactionary exaggerated feminity because my instint went for the pink blog? There's a time when I would have headed straight for the black. Now I waffle between green and mauve. No question, I've gone soft. But don't worry imaginary readers, I'm not that soft. I can still out thrift store shop you.


Adam said...

Huzzah! Eve's blogging!

I chuckled at the pink, even before I read that you were actually nervous about the pink.

I don't recognize the reference in the blog title. Any hints?

Urikkiru said... is your friend. Makes it easier to check up on your friends' blogs.