Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I know, I haven't written in weeks.  I know, you probably didn't notice.  But I felt guilty.  I feel guilty after all my declarations of become an active blogger, etc. to suddenly abandon my blog for weeks and then only reappear long enough to post a few pictures and excuses.  Here goes:

Excuse #1
I haven't blogged much because I've actually been keeping myself busy.  The first month of summer was a blur of climbing, hiking, road trips, hanging out with friends, biking, climbing, skating, hanging out with friends, and sleeping at odd hours of the night.

Excuse #2
The daily whirlwind of activities hasn't seemed very worth blogging about ("I went climbing today at _________ with ______________, and I got a new bruise next to the old ones.  In other news, I ate a sandwich before hurrying off to hang out with_______________.).  The things that are worth blogging about, like my 40 days of vegan being up and what I thought about it, my dreads (and there's a ripening saga there), etc., I haven't had/made the time to sit down and craft the blogs they deserve.

Excuse #3
I'm in New York!  I started out in Long Island last Wednesday and moved to Ithaca on Sunday.  I'll be here till Saturday, and on Sunday I go to Idaho.  During all of this I'm playing with nieces and nephews I usually don't see more than once a year.  This week I'm helping them at violin camp: staying in a dorm room with them, going to classes with them, convincing the youngest one that she doesn't want her Mom who has to go to her older  brother's lesson but instead she wants me and a day-old bagel smuggled out of the cafeteria, etc.  Who has time to blog?

Excuse #4
I never blog in the summers.  Really.  Last summer, I think I posted a grand total of two.  The summer before, I think I posted a grand total of two.  Counting this post, I have already posted three!  I've already increased my summer blog output by 50%!  What have I got to feel guilty about?

Whew.  I feel better now.  Here are some pictures if what I've been doing:

Getting ready to ride my new bike to the climbing gym.  Yes, I'm a hippie.  Yes, bike helmets are dorky. Yes, that's a band-aid on my chin.  That's why I'm wearing the dorky bicycle helmet.

The dreads get their first taste of saltwater on the Long Island beaches.

A seven hour car ride makes for sleepy children.

In between lessons at violin camp.

My nephew practicing on the quad of Ithaca College.

 She was probably saying "I want my mom!"


Unknown said...

First, I'm concerned about the fit of your bike helmet. Either you pushed it up to look cute for the picture or it is way too small. It needs to fit over all your funky hair and protect that noggin of yours. Second, I'm soooo jealous that you are getting another summer babysitting the nieces and nephews. I'm feeling very left out. Third, for no good reason I've always wanted to go to Ithaca. Big sigh. Can't wait to see you Saturday and hear all about it.

Miss Wesel said...

I totally know what you mean about convincing small children that they want you not their mom.

Kelly Stadium said...

If you happen to ever go through Oklahoma, give me a shout!!

evieperkins said...

Rach, there didn't seem to be much size difference in helmets when I went there. Not to mention the dreads makes my head a size or two larger, making it very difficult to find a helmet that fits at all.

Kelly, you're going to be back in Idaho soon, too, right? In case I don't make it to Oklahoma?

liz said...

K, here's where I confess my blog stalking. I'm a friend of Di's from college and we sat at the same table at D&M's wedding in September. I've been following your dreads story and love it. I shed a few bits of misinformation reading about it, so thanks. Anyway, I live in Ithaca and was surprised to see you're here. If you're bored or need a recommendation on restaurants or activities, drop me a line - I'm at

Kelly Stadium said...

We will be moving back to Idaho sometime late spring next year. If I don't see you here, we need to meet up there!