Sunday, November 13, 2011

'Tis the Season

Yesterday I went to Walmart to grab potting soil.  After half an hour in the store, I exited into November air that was beginning to swirl with snow.  But that's ok, because I was pushing a huge cart on which sat the box for an enormous Christmas tree I'd talked myself into buying.  Someday I will only use real trees, I am a real tree snob and look down on fake trees as paltry representations of Christmas.  However, real trees are expensive every year, and this fake tree is only expensive one.  Real trees require stands and hours spent stringing lights and watering and vacuuming.  In my one bedroom, I-live-alone apartment, a fake tree makes much more sense.  I can set it up in a matter of minutes, its pre-strung lights blazing merrily.  When the season's over I can pack it up just as quickly into a box in the closet, where it will patiently wait another year.  I can spend my time making homemade decorations instead.  Besides, after many college years of no tree or Christmas decorations whatsoever, even a fake tree makes the apartment feel like it's swimming in Christmas.

In the meantime, bringing it home has put me into extreme holiday mode.  Even if the tree is currently in the closet, waiting the right snowy afternoon and maybe some company to set up and decorate, I'm whistling Christmas tunes, and my mind is on the holidays.  For example, I happen to have nine large, tart apples on my table, and on a rainy or perhaps snowy Sunday morning I'm asking myself, apple pie or apple crisp?


Sage said...

okay, first: damn you for xmas'ing before turkey. second, I love that you've embraced fake trees. When M and I dated he surprised me with a real tree in our apt and we decorated it with lights and candy canes and (while I loved it), I had nightmares of it bursting into flames and killing the entire apt complex. We are never home for xmas, but two years ago we bought a 6 ft fake tree in January (for $8) that has pre-strung lights. No nightmares, little work, and M gets all jazzed about the good deal. And now I'm realizing, there is no point to this comment.... except to brag about my $8 tree.

Julie said...

The answer is apple crisp