Thursday, November 29, 2012

Trying My Patience

Today is my students' monthly book reviews, where they take a test on a book they've read over the course of the month.  One girl, who hasn't brought a book to class all month today brought The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan and told me that she "didn't exactly finish" her book.  She's on page seven.  But she's writing a book and has been working on that.  So I tell her to do her book review on the book she's been writing and I can give her partial credit for that.  She thinks about that.  She "didn't exactly finish" writing the book.  I explained she could write it on a fairy tale, and I could give her credit for her analysis, if not for her reading.  She thinks about that.  Wait!  She's been reading a book in her reading class!  She "didn't exactly finish" the book, though.  But she's 95% through it.  So I tell her to write her book review on that book.  Then she asks me for a pencil.

So I bring her a pencil, full of lead, from my desk.  She pulls it apart and says, "There's no lead in it."  I pick it up and shake it to show how much lead there was.  But now she can't get the pencil back together.  She's broken it.

Sigh.  Sometimes I think the most valuable asset I have as a teacher is a poker face.


Naazju said...

And that's why you give kids regular #2 pencils instead of mechanical pencils. Or, at least, why I do. :D

Jacque said...

Some people insist on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.