I have dreads again! From 9:00 a.m. to after midnight, I sat in a chair in the office of Salon 21 in Orem while The Amazing James turned my normal hair
Into something much more fun.
The original time estimate was only 6-8 hours, but it turned out that I have deceptively thick hair. James thought I'd have about 50-60 dreads at the size I wanted. Instead, I have around 110. So eight hours turned into fifteen, and James and I swapped life stories, talked philosophy, and watched the entire first season of the new Doctor Who. I missed the dance concert I had intended to go to with Rachel and Allie, but I walked out of the salon at about 12:30 a.m. with a head full of dreads. And I am very, very happy.
I didn't tell my family I was getting dreads that day. I didn't tell my friends. I did tell my 250 students, but mostly to prepare them for the change. After all the fuss, fuss, and even more fuss that I made about my first dreads, only to have them need to be combed out after only a few months, I was ready to do this the quiet way. I am the proud and happy owner of a head full of song quotes and fragments of misremembered poems, packaged on the outside with a thick layer of dreads.