Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The more I learn about and read of haiku, the more I like it.  After teaching my students about it and having them write their own, I like it all the more.  There are some truly stunning haiku that I think anyone would love.  


Whether you are a haiku novice, skeptic, or a full-blown haiku-phile, the poems published by the Mainichi Shinbun as their annual selection of English haiku are well worth your time.  Scroll down to see the top selections.


Here are two of my favorites from the list:


3rd Prize:
meteor shower
I drift
from wish to wish 


Jacek Margolak 
Kielce, Poland

Giraffe sneeze
Sounds of savannah
What a long snot 
T. McLean 

Edmonton, Canada

1 comment:

Bryan Tanner said...

Those definitely were the best Haikus of the bunch. The "giraffe snot" should have at least placed!
