Monday, April 27, 2009

On an Unrelated Note

I love clothes, and I have a lot of them. My attitude was always that there was no such thing as too many clothes as long as one did not spend very much for them. Because I am an avid thrift store shopper and a seeker out of hand-me-downs and cast-offs. I hold on to old clothes on the chance that they can be revamped into a different outfit as fashions change. On the whole, my efforts have been rewarded. Without spending much, I amassed a larger wardrobe. But, as part of graduation celebrations, my mom bought me a new skirt and two new shirts. As I took them home and went to put them away, I was forced to acknowledge a strange and new idea as reality. I had too many clothes. I have extra drawers and places for sweaters and a closet and a dresser and every possible place that could hold clothes was bursting. Drawers needed to have the clothes in them forcibly compressed before they could be closed. No matter how carefully I foled them, my clothes were always wrinkled from being stuffed, albeit carefully, in the drawers.

So my roommate of five years and I sat down and went through every drawer and threw things out with ruthless disregard for sentiment and future possibilities of some clothes returning to fashion. We eliminated old clothes, redudancies, things I liked but didn't love or need. Some clothes left that I hadn't worn in a year, but most of the discarded items were things I did use frequently enough to justify keeping them. I have a lot of clothes, but I wear nearly all of them. But I had to face the fact that I had too many clothes. For those of you who have lived with me, you know how hard it must have been. :)

Now I have three medium-sized garbage sacks full of things destined for DI. All my drawers close now. There's even room for a few more items, although not many. I'm excessively proud of myself.

On another unrelated note: I have applied for one job that I know I want. I know that business hours at their office haven't even started and that no one's seen my applicatio yet, but I'm checking my email every five minutes hoping that they'll contact me. I REALLY want this job. I'm applying for another job I might want today. The problem is that I'll probably find out about this second job before I know if I've landed the first. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. In the mean time, this may drive me crazy. :)

Third note: I get a new roommate today. I'm excited and nervous. I'm excited to hopefully make a new friend, but I'm nerovus that we won't get along, never see each other, drive each other crazy (I can't stand a messy kitchen, but tend to leave the living room rather...untidy). Or that she'll turn out to be crazy, or dating someone obnoxious, or throw loud parties late at night when I have to be up at 5:15, or be driven crazy by the fact that my alarm goes off at five in the morning. There are million what-ifs. She's probably moving in right now, and when I get home from work today I'll be living with somebody new.


Matt said...

My heart goes out to your newly thinned wardrobe, but congratulations on the new-found organization. I miss you. We need sushi. You should text me, as my number IS still the same, and I lost my old contacts list.

Unknown said...

Wow! I wish that I could have been there for the closet clean-out. Or rather, perhaps I wish I was a fly on the wall during it. I think a thinning wardrobe is on my list before I move in a few weeks. Do you want a list of what I'm getting rid of? :)

Bryan Tanner said...

You and your new roommate will get along fine. Not even an issue. Stop worrying.

p.s. Resist the temptation to go to DI and buy back your clothes...