Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lost and Found

After a month of not being able to use it, I finally bought batteries for my camera yesterday so that I would have it for the teacher talent show today and the Thanksgiving holiday. I started looking for it in the most likely place, and then branched out from there. I finally resorted to the throw everything from the floor on the bed trick to get to the bottom of some of the larger piles that have accumulated in my room like so much silt from the river of my life. I did eventually find my camera, back where I had expected it to be in the first place but where it had magically disguised itself as a pile of papers all three times I checked that shelf. As usual, while looking for my camera, I found all sorts of things I didn’t realize I had lost. Some of the best were:

My passport—how’d it get down there?
More socks.
Lots of socks—why can’t I find any of these when I’m looking for them?
A sweater I was convinced I gave to D.I. five months ago.
My bike helmet.
My Post Secret Book.
My mittens
A purse I’d forgotten I’d owned.
Several receipts and a few more socks.
My floor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So in other words you don't need socks for Christmas after all. :)