Sunday, February 28, 2010

Testing, Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Having finally tired of the pinkness of my blog, and because of various other frustrations with my template, I am in search of a new template for my blog. I will be testing out various templates until I figure out which one I like best. Feel free to leave comments about what you think looks good, works well, etc. I'd love feedback on this. :)

Thank you!


Jacque said...

Hmmm... seems a bit. . .rustic? Are you feeling crowded in the Utah Valley environs and have a subconcious yearning for the cabin? Or maybe the artist in you is remembering the summer of Mack's Inn? Perhaps I am reading way too much into a simple change of scenery. Most likely the last.

Bluesfier said...

Yes, it is quite different than the pink we were all used to. That's not to say its a bad thing. I kind of like it.