Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quick Update

Since I last wrote I've been to Idaho, been climbing a few different places, took the Praxis test, and managed to have a weekend full of more social activity and small talk than I'm used to.  This week holds a road trip.  We'll hit up Zion National Park tomorrow and Tuesday morning, then continue on down to Tucson Tuesday night.  In Tucson we will unload Cuny and all his stuff, hang out for a day or two skateboarding, climbing, and enjoying the desert, and then I will drive back on my own.  I can't believe my skate coach is leaving, moving away forever.  Who will motivate me to skate now?  Who will push me to try potentially dangerous things?  Who will know my skating abilities well enough to be able to tell I'm making progress when it looks like I'm just doing the same thing over and over again?  Sigh.  Skating by myself will not be as fun.

Here are some pictures from my one week dread anniversary.  They're coming along nicely.

Look!  They don't stick straight up anymore!  
In another three weeks, I might be able to take out the rubber bands.
They actually look much better than I thought they wood.  I expected to look hideous during this stage.
 Instead I look only slightly strange.  I'm down with that.  
When I saw this picture I said to myself, "You're hair looks like chicken poop!"  Seriously.  
And I should know.  I raised chickens as a child.  
All dressed up for fun.  


Miss Wesel said...

The last picture hides the chicken poop well. ;)

Paige Terner and Sandee Beech said...

Wow! You look great! Keep in touch!
~Sandee Beech