Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Win!

Ladies and Gentleman, after last month's budget disaster, I am thrilled to report that this month I under spent my income.  Add in that some of my purchases were for school and were reimbursed, and a reward from my internet company, and then my tax return, and I'll actually be putting $150 in savings this month.  And, I'm headed to the mall to go blow $50 as my reward.

I still overspent in a few areas, though in different categories in this month.  I kept my stuff buying under control, though I overspent in groceries and restaurants this month because I had less time to cook.  I still overspent the strict budget I've been trying to follow, but by little enough that the extra space I leave between my budget and my income could absorb it with room to breathe. 

So, if you'll excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I'm off to the mall. 

1 comment:

fm7 said...

Wish I could brag about the same accomplishment.