Monday, February 13, 2012

One of Those Weeks

It's going to be one of those weeks when one has to decide which two or three good things one will drop from one's life to survive.  This week I have chosen:

Cooking--I will be stopping by the store tonight or tomorrow morning to pick up food I can just keep in my desk for breakfast and lunch.  Dinner will be pasta college-style with perhaps the addition of frozen or canned vegetables.

Climbing--I'm mourning, believe me, I'm mourning.

Cleaning--There are already dishes in my sink the and forecast is for them to stay there and make new friends.

Hopefully, giving up these things will enable me to sleep, get my grading done, be ready for parent teacher conferences on Thursday, and attend 1-2 social events before leaving town on Friday for home/cold weather/snow/skiing/swans.

Deep breath, square shoulders, and press onward.

1 comment:

Bryan Tanner said...


I haven't visited you blog in over a year. I thought I'd just check in and make sure you're still at it.

You should know, I don't always read blogs, but when I do, On the Jazz is the first one I visit.