Wednesday, October 24, 2012

7th Graders

The room is dead silent, everyone is bent over their journals, when a student comes up to me at my desk.  He tells me he is fighting off a cold and begins to describe his symptoms.  He's sneezed, he says;  he coughs, he tells me; and he has a lot of mucus.  Finally, he gets to the reason he's telling met his:  he wants to call his mom to have her make a doctor's appointment for him later.  

Talking to 7th graders requires some patience and faith.  Faith that there is a point to what they're saying, and, given enough time, they will eventually get to it.  

1 comment:

Jacque said...

You mean just 7th graders are prone to take the conversational scenic route? I think I've met a lot of 7th graders in my time--including me, I'm told.