Sunday, March 16, 2008


Firstly, I just wrote a blog that was too whiny to publish. Does anyone else write a lot of things they don't actually publish?

Secondly, ecovillages are fascinating. If I weren't already too busy this summer, I'd just take off and live in one. I enjoy the middle of nowhere.

Thirdly, why do I seem to create instant friendships and bonds with people I shouldn't get involved with?

Fourthly, I really mean it, ecovillage really are amazing. Go people! They're in over 50 countries; there's over 11,000 in Sri Lanka.

Fifthly, something I've read recently said that the re-tribalizing of the world was inevitable. Prepare to be dis-assimilated. Resistance is futile.


Urikkiru said...

I can sort of relate. It's the reason my blog is on a more or less permanent vacation.

I'm not sure I'm all *that* motivated to go live in the middle of nowhere though. I mean, can you even *get* high speed internet there? :P

Matt said...

I hate whiny blogs. I write them entirely too often. Alas, what are we to do but file them away in a .doc file we may never open again?

Cavan said...

Um. I have a lot of clever things to say.