Friday, September 23, 2011

My 8th grade students are studying Anne Frank and the Holocaust, and one of the activities I do to help them understand what it felt like to be a Jew during WWII is to have them wear yellow stars of David.  They have to wear the stars in public, for at least an hour, and have a witness sign that they did so.  We talk about stereotypes and labeling and have a really good discussion.  It's an assignment they typically like.

Well, today I was introducing the assignment and covering a few "don'ts" that you have to cover with 13-14 year olds.  No, you may not color your star or write "I'm awesome!" in the center.  No, you can't cover it with jacket.  No you can't wear it on your leg, your forehead, your behind, or your belly ("You're not a sneetch," I told them.).  After class, one student who had come in late and missed the discussion stayed behind to get the instructions.  Even though he had missed the sneetch discussion, the first thing he did was hold his star over his belly-button and exclaim with delight,

"I'm a Jew-bellied Sneetch!!"

Then he got to see Miss E. laugh uncontrollably and roll her eyes at the same time.


Kelly Stadium said...

In Honors English with Baguley in High School we were suppose to read a book that discussed a social or political problem we deal with today, then write a paper on it. I never read anything and the night before I panicked. So I found Dr. Seuss's, "The Sneetches" and wrote my paper on it and said it discusses reverse racism in society. When she questioned me on it, I showed her that the instructions stated "book" and not "novel". She rolled her eyes but gave me 100. She told me I couldn't do that again though. Hahahaha

evieperkins said...

Oh fantastic. Nicely played. I would probably have done the same if you were my student. :)

Naazju said...

That student is the bomb. Seriously. :D