Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Overheard in My Classroom:

"Miss Eddington is almost a kid; she just understands us so well."
I'm not sure how I feel about this.

In another class, my students are studying Anne Frank, and one student referred to Mr. Kraler and Miep, the two employees/friends who hid them for those long two years, as the Franks' "secret-keepers."  Oh Harry Potter, how you have influenced the world.

I'm still a kid at heart.  And I still love 70s linoleum.
They new how to paint linoleum back in the day.  Seriously.


Jeni said...

Aww, you are wearing jelly shoes! I remember those! I also distinctly remember that fun little girl... good times.

Kelly Stadium said...

"..she just understands us so well."
That's the main part of that statement and I think it says a tremendous amount about you. You go girl!

Jan said...

That's the stone wheat grinder behind you to the left. I was sooo glad to get rid of that linoleum. We stayed up all night diggin it up to replace it.