Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On the Move


That blog title can be taken multiple ways, and many of them are correct.  I am on the move in the sense that I am literally moving.  I'm leaving the apartment I've been in for the last year and a quarter and the roommates I love and admire and am hauling all of my stuff, car load by tiny car load, to a new, empty, and thus far blank apartment.  There are a lot of reasons for this move, some serious, some silly, and all of them too long for a quick blog I'm posting during my prep period when I should be doing something else. But I will say that I very much like my new place so far, and that I'm enjoying moving in and nesting, even if I haven't moved any furniture yet, so am living among neatly stacked piles of clothes and books on the floor along every wall.

I'm on the move in that time is passing quickly.  It's midterm of first term already.  It's parent-teacher conferences already!  Twenty days of school are over already, meaning the school year is 11% over.  It's nearly Jeni's birthday, meaning that September is almost over and October is almost here, I'm almost 26, and fall is beginning.  Things I think of as happening just the other day this summer are now three months ago.

I'm on the move in that life is changing quickly for myself and everyone else it seems.  I sat on Jen's bed a few weeks ago talking about all the craziness in my life, and then last night as I attempted to maneuver my Costco cart with one hand while talking in the phone, she declared she was selling her house, her family was moving to Driggs, and wanted to know if I could take care of their cat for two months.  My sister is changing careers, states, and schools again. One of my roommates dropped out of graduate school and is moving home to work out necessary details to go on some sweet, sweet travel adventures.  Things change quickly.

I'm on the move in that I am very, very busy.  I spent most of Sunday packing stuff for the move, Monday I taught a full day and left straight from school for the leasing office to sign my paperwork and pay my rent, etc.  The evening was spent hauling and unpacking boxes.  Tuesday I taught a full day, modifying my lessons so that I could study for my G/T Endorsement class for part of each period.  I had 100 pages of straight text, no pictures, boring textbook to read by tonight.  I only have 25 pages left.  Over the course of the day, four different people came to observe my classroom and teaching for various reasons, including one lady whom I've never seen before or since and have no idea why she was there.  After school I had a meeting with a parent, then drove to my old apartment, grabbed a quick load of stuff, trying to leave before traffic got bad.  When I got to my new apartment, more time was spent hauling and unpacking, then there was a run to Costco and Smiths for groceries and apartment essentials.  Then a couple friends came over to see the new place and Tuesday was gone.  Tonight I had a meeting with a parent before school, and I'm trying to prepare lessons and read the last 25 pages of this week's assigned reading in this awful textbook.  After school there is a faculty meeting until 4:00; at 4:30 I need to be at my G/T Endorsement class in south Orem with the every last boring page of the reading completed.  At 7:00 I'll stumble out of my class, decide whether to stop by my old apartment for another load of stuff or just go straight to the new one so I can wash my dreads, make some real food, unpack some stuff, and maybe get to bed on time.  Exercise would be nice, too, but that's not very likely tonight.  Tomorrow is more teaching and then parent-teacher conferences from right after school until 7:30.  Friday and Saturday are fairly normal days, except that I need to cancel rock climbing with a friend to grade 200 essays I need to have finished by Monday, and probably start on the next reading assignment in the boring textbook.

And I'm on the move in that I've already spent too much time writing this as my reward for finishing the chapter in that textbook.  I'd better go see if those speed reading lessons I took in college are going to pay off.

Moving on.


Unknown said...

Any pictures of your new place? Even if it is sans furniture for now. That's sort of a minimalist, monkish sort of look. The ironic part is that as you start to gain more stuff in there I'll be starting to clean my place out.

susy and martin said...

Congratulation, Eve. It's sure nice to have your own place. You could get very creative and it's up to you. Keep it simple and you'll be fine. If you want to paint I recommend Benjamin Moore paint. You'll get furniture eventually. I got most of mine from yard sales and do make over.
Pictures please ...