Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gonna Happen

Talking to my coworkers today during lunch, I mentioned my plans to get dreads.  I also asked some of the teachers who'd been at the school for much longer when I should mention my plans to the principal.  Then they started telling me stories.  Stories about how this teacher or that teacher had been asked to stop wearing flip-flops, or had been instructed not to wear their hair a certain way before.  This started to make me worried.  What was I going to do if my principal said no?  I could fight him on it, and I highly doubt it's something I'd be fired over it.  But still, that'd be a huge mess, and since this is my first year at this school, I don't want to create any problems for myself or be known the one who makes trouble.  On the other hand, I REALLY WANT DREADS.  I think about dreads more everyday, and perhaps the thing I'm looking forward to most about this summer is getting dreads.  I am massaging my scalp, taking multivitamins, drinking lots of water, and doing other unscientifically proven things to make my hair grow faster.

So, wanting the question resolved, I wandered down to my principal's office today after school.  I felt like a teenage daughter venturing into her father's study to ask if she can wear a strapless dress to the dance. I very nonchalantly asked him if he had time for a silly question.  As I stepped into his office, words started spluttering out of my mouth like ketchup at the end of the bottle, and I hurriedly explained that I was thinking about getting dreads, that they would be clean, a natural color, and that there would be no skulls or feathers dangling from my locks.  Then, I made my hands stop gesturing meaninglessly in the air and looked up at him...

His face was a study in neutrality.  "I think that sounds fun," he said.  Then I think he said something about the district dress code policy stuff like that, but all I really remember clearly were those five words.  "I think that sounds fun."  

So, ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, parents and strangers, this is my official declaration.  Say what you like, let the controversy come, let the world frown, let some few people cheer, let my Mom worry about my chances of attracting a future spouse, come what may,  I am getting dreads this summer

Let me say that again, but in all caps this time, because bold just didn't feel loud enough, and I'm at school so I can't run around chanting and shouting and gasping and shrieking like I very much feel like doing.


It still doesn't feel loud enough.  I guarantee, there will be shrieking in the car in about five minutes.  


Cavan said...

Should you fail to post pictures of this magnanimous development, you will be marked for death.

evieperkins said...

Oh there will be pictures. There will be pictures and rants galore. And that's just in the months leading up to getting dreads. :)

Beck said...

So. Rad. I am so proud of you! :)

I have done the fake dreads- the twist and flat iron and hairspray thing where they stay in for a few days, but never gotten to do the real thing.

You rock my world. Can't wait for the pictures.

Paige Terner and Sandee Beech said...

That's cool. I love on how committed you are. Thanks for commenting on our blog. Keep it up, if you will. I loved on how you said that we were pros. Ha. Good luck with all. (I can tell you are a fun teacher). Also I loved your pictures of you before. Paige says your really pretty. :)
~Sandee Beech