Friday, March 4, 2011

Once Upon a Friday Morning

Friday morning goes like this:

4:40 a.m.--The alarm goes off.  I turned it off, because I stayed up till ten last night (gasp), and I've been exposed to stomach flu and nasty colds and other sorts of things, so it made more sense to sleep in.  And I didn't feel like getting up and I'm very fast with the justification, even when half asleep.

5:50 a.m.--I roll out of bed (quite literally; I sleep on the floor), roll up my bed and pick up the iPod.  The iPod is necessary because I slept in.  On my list of New Year's resolutions was to study my scriptures for half an hour everyday.  When I sleep through my study time, I listen to conference while I get ready and count that.

6:00 a.m.--I pack lunch for school.  mmmm...chili.  Then I remember that I'm probably meeting Cuny in Sandy right after school to go skate, and that we won't be eating dinner until after we skate, come all the way back to my place, and then cook it.  So I make two sandwiches as well.

6:40 a.m.--I'm running a bit late by this time.  I'm all showered and dressed and ready, which included packing an extra bag of skate clothes so I can leave straight from school.  Details details details.  I throw my morning muesli into the microwave, and then remember that I am, after all, making Indian food tonight after skating and that I don't have any rice cooked.  Brown rice takes an eternity to cook, too.  So I pulled out the rice cooker and set it to do its thing.

6:55 a.m.--Carrying my purse, my bag of extra clothes, my lunch, my sandwiches, and two sets of keys, I make it down to my car.  Then I remember that I have a 3-inch stack of papers to grade sitting on the kitchen table.  So I run back up the three flights of stairs to grab it.

7:10 a.m.--As I'm clambering out of my car, juggling my lunch, the papers, the purse, and the bag of clothes, I look up at the mountains and the spectacular sunrise. I should take a picture, I think.  So I transfer everything to one arm and dig my camera out of my purse and snap a few quick shots.

Then I put it back in its case and back in my purse and start walking across the parking lot to the school.  Just as I reach the doors, I notice that I now have a much better angle on that sunrise.  So I dig my camera back out of my purse and back out of its case and juggle the papers and bags back to the other arm.

8:00 a.m.--I'm sitting at my desk trying to fulfill my promise to blog more often and post more pictures I take myself.

 Don't I look happy?  I have a day of Direct Writing Assessment ahead of me, so I'll mostly be babysitting essays until they hatch in the computer lab and shushing kids.  But I should get a ton of grading done.  And I have first period prep today, so it shouldn't matter that I spent my morning blogging instead of preparing like I should have. And there's only about 8 hours until the skateboarding, Indian food, and adventure begins.  Happy Friday!


Jeni said...

Wow, love this post. A morning in the life of Eve... especially love the personally shot pics. Maybe I'll document an everyday day sometime too. Happy babysitting!

fm7 said...

Makes me feel like I'm there looking over your shoulder. Maybe you should do another Charles Dickens-type walk through your space more often.

Unknown said...

Love sunrises. Glad to know that you have a soft spot for them as well.