Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Something Old Something New

Fourth term started this week, which has two contradictory effects on both my students and me.  First, it makes us tired, grumpy, and lazy.  We don't want to be in school anymore.  Some of my students don't want to be in my class anymore, and some of me wants some of them at least a hundred miles away.  We've been in school for seven long months, the weather's getting nice outside, and the last thing any of us wants to do is be inside pretending we care.

On the other hand, the sap's rising, buds are beginning to break open, and we are beginning brand new topics of study.  The beginning of a new term means that the same old book they've gotten sick of is over, and that something new and possibly fun has begun.  It means that spring break is almost here (I leave one week from tomorrow!), it means that they have gotten through the worst of it.  It means it's time to shake off the winter blues and start coming alive.  

So that leaves us in a classroom, learning about mythology or materialism, and trying to have as much fun as possible so we don't go crazy.  Except for one class.  One class apparently thinks it's still January.  They never say a word.  They never complain, they never argue with me, they don't even react when I say all sorts of shocking things (My class should be called "English:  Miss E. Says a Series of Shocking Things for 9 Months Straight").  What room of sane 13-year-olds stays nearly silent when their teacher says something like, "And then she had a son, Uranus, and then they got married!!!"?  Maybe I'm just teaching a room full of child shaped mushrooms.  Maybe they're all just really good kids who don't talk out much.   

Maybe I'm not as funny, or shocking, or witty, or entertaining as I think I am.  Maybe I'm boring.  Maybe I'm that one teacher who thinks she's funny and entertaining, but isn't.  

Maybe I need chocolate.


Anonymous said...

First one to drop a spore loses.

Beck said...

Does this mushroom shaped children class happen to be an honors class? Just curious. I was a VERY outspoken honors student, but most of my classmates were not.

evieperkins said...

They're not an honors class, but I do have several honors-type students in it, and then a large group of shy, and a healthy dose of bored and lazy. And one permanent talker who get's so out of line I still have to play tough guy, so I never get a chance to warm up the rest of the class.

I couldn't possibly imagine you as outspoken. ;)

Unknown said...

If you are brave enough to say the comment about Uranus and his mother to 12 year olds then you're funny. And if they don't react I think you're right--they are mushrooms. Or maybe a lichen or moss.