Monday, January 9, 2012

Science Fiction Juxtaposition

I just realized that these two have a lot in common:

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"When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not."

I know, this quote was said by the Matt Smith Doctor, not the David Tennant Doctor, but I liked this picture better.  
" nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important..."

I thought I was really smart for figuring this out on my own, but then I discovered that other people have had the same idea long before me:

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But maybe I can get originality points for throwing in a juxtaposition to another famous character.  Who else is 900 years old besides Doctor Who and Yoda?  Methuselah.  

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Actually, if you compare representations of the three 900+ year-old beings, they look eerily similar.
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Of course, were we just adding juxtapositions based on looks, there's another extremely old character whose age could well be 900, and who looks a great deal like our other old men:

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Miss Wesel said...

I can't handle a connection between Gollum and Dr. Who. It just isn't right. Although the way he treats the tardis as his precious isn't far off. ;)

Bluesfier said...

I'm almost certain that Gollum is only reaching the 300 year mark, but I could be wrong.