Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Classroom Funny

This blog is not about my trip!  This blog will not be really long!  Yay!  (I have Day Three written, I just need to go sift through pictures, and I think some of the ones I want are on Al's computer.)

Today we were talking about the three kinds of "there."  We had written down the definitions of there, their, and they're; looked at examples of the uses for each one; and were finally doing some class practice.  I have a student in my last class of the day who likes my class but is the often failing type and has a tendency to lose things and not turn stuff in.  He's a slow reader and an unenthusiastic writer.  Well, we were going through the practice questions as a class, and he suddenly had the lightning stroke of genius to look at his notes before answering a question. (I tell them to do this, all the time, for the last seven months.)  Suddenly he was getting them all right!  He could barely contain his glee.  "This is a lot easier if you use these," he told the people around him conspiratorially, gesturing to his notes.  You'd think I had him write those down for just that purpose or something, maybe, you know, perhaps.

Oh dear.  At least he finally noticed.  It was fun to watch a student suddenly get a testimony of notes before my very eyes.

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