Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Got Googled

Since I started posting on my blog more, I have begun almost compulsively checking my blog stats.  How many people read which blogs?  What times of day do my friends read blogs?  What search terms draw someone to my blog?  etc.  How on earth do those random hits pop up?  Most of my readers by far are in the US, but then they're the outliers.  Then there's the speculation about the outliers, is someone from Malaysia really that attached to my blog, or am I being spammed?  I usually figure it's spam.

Well, this week I got googled.  It was Dread Info #3 that did it.  Suddenly that sucker has 50 views.  That's twice as many as any post I've ever written.  That's about five or six times the number of views my usual post gets.  Look at my traffic sources, most of them are from different versions of google from around the world.  People in Canada, the United Kingdom, India, Australia are all getting google results that include my blog.  Goodness knows what search terms their using that lead them to that blog.  Samson?  Dread information?  Six of them found my blog by searching for "Egyptian art."  It makes me laugh.

Hello, lost cyber-searchers.  These probably aren't the posts you were looking for.  But welcome anyway.

On a side note, here's a link to, a website that asked people to post a picture of what they would take with them if the house was burning down.  It's actually really intriguing, and the photography's good, too.

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