Friday, May 27, 2011

One Week!

Seven days until one of the best days of the year.

One day of listening to presentations and then grading papers.
A Saturday of grading papers.
A Sunday of not grading papers.
A Monday of maybe some adventure and grading some papers.
A Tuesday of not really teaching and grading papers.
A Wednesday of not really teaching and grading papers.
A Thursday of really, really, really not teaching and hopefully all the papers will be graded.

And then.  and then... and then... THE DAY!!  The double celebration of the last day of school and D-DAY will  begin.  The students are only going to be at the school for about an hour and a half, and they're only heading to their first period class.  Normally this is sort of a pain, but, wouldn't you know it, I got lucky enough to have first period prep!  That means I don't have ANY students the last day of school.  I get to spend the time entering grades, cleaning my room, and mentally checking out (if it's possible to get any more checked out than I already am).

Then, I get out at about two.  I rush home, I pick up donuts (requests?), I pick up soda (requests?), I pace around the apartment waiting for my friends who want to dread my hair to get off of work, I order pizza (requests?), I take a shower, I compulsively rearrange the furniture, I fret, I take a few last pictures of unknotted hair, I pace, I lay out every item of my dreadlocks kit, I watch the how to video, again...And then...the dreading begins!!!

For those of you interested in helping with, observing, or simply mocking, show up at my place next Friday.  The festivities begin at five, and continue until we're done.  Anyone's welcome, just send me a text, drop me a comment, facebook me, or send a flare.  They'll be food, movies, and the proud knowledge that someday, when my dreads look awesome, you were responsible for their beginning.


Trent said...

Eve, with dreads? I simply cannot imagine two things, so completely awesome, in one head. i will need pictures!

how ya been Eve?!

Paige Terner and Sandee Beech said...

Wow! You seem VERY excited! I'm excited for school to end too. I love on how dramatic you made your sentences. You're awesome! The party sounds fun, but Paige and I might do a party of our own. See how it turns out.
P.S. You might not want us at your party. It might be awkward.
~Sandee Beech :)

evieperkins said...

Sandee, I will promise not to show up at your party, if you promise not to show up at mine. :) Some worlds just shouldn't collide.

Di said...

I vote Hawaiian and either glazed or maple. No soda. Am I the only one showing up to this thing?

P.S. Matt says your mom's predictions of no-date-doom are unwarranted.

evieperkins said...

You aren't the only one. My friend Matt is coming, Trent says he's probably coming, Cuny'll be there, and my visiting teachers might show up to join the fun. That's all the people we really need, although I might put the word out on facebook to see if I can gather a few more.