Thursday, May 5, 2011


When I was in high school, I spent a lot of time with debaters.  I was one, and I hung out with the other debaters at lunch, before and after school, and at the long weekend tournaments.  Anytime I wasn't actively required to be somewhere else, I was in the debate room.  In the debate room, one heard vocabularies that few high schoolers possessed, but there was one word that was used more often than any other by the debaters on my squad:  Hooch.  We called EVERYONE hooches.  It could be a playful or a bitter thing.  If you hadn't seen someone in a while it was appropriate to say something like, "I haven't seen you in forever, hooch! Where have you been?"  If someone stole your chair at lunch, they were a chair hooch.  If someone ate a fry when you weren't looking, they were a fry hooch.  If you were really annoyed the tone of the word would change.  When someone lied to you they were a hooch, when someone did something squirlly in a debate round they were a hooch.  We called each other, friends and enemies, hooches at least a 100 times a day.

Years have passed, and I don't say hooch nearly as often as I used to, but today it came out.  Unfortunately, it came out in the middle of class as I was describing the 9th labor of Hercules: "...basically, all of this happened because Hera's a HOOCH!"  The two girls I was talking to nearly wet their pants they were laughing so hard.  One's fake eyelashes were in serious danger of being cried off.  Some of the other students asked me what it meant.  Then some other students thought I had sworn.  After much giggling, class got back underway.



Di said...

Passing the banner of hoochitude onto future generations. I have not said that word in a long while...

Unknown said...

I am impressed that you have found an occasion to use "squirrelly" in written form.