Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dirty Hippie Burn-out Bum


Why I Want Dreads Part 2

After my initial attraction to dreads, years passed, and I didn't give them much thought.  And I have to admit, that when I first looked into them as an adult it was on one of those "Ugh!  I swear I'm going to just shave my head so I never have to do my hair again!" days.  Then it struck me that dreads were a good compromise.  I'd never have to do anything with my hair, but I'd still have hair!  It'd be like a living wig!

Then I did a whole bunch of real world research and realized they took effort, especially at first.  I saw that some people had really gross-looking dreads.  But then there were others who had beautiful dreads, and I just wasn't sure which category I'd be in if I tried it.  It was like chopping off all of my hair, something I'd wanted to do for years, but that I'd never have the guts to do because I thought you either looked good like that or you didn't, and there was no way to know ahead of time which one you were going to be.

But then I DID cut my hair, and I did dye it crazy colors, and now I DO have the guts.  And, despite knowing how much work they are, and despite there being the risk that they are going to look ghastly, I'm willing, eager, champing at the bit, to get dreads.

Because I love them.  Plain and simple.  Most people I know don't really like dreads, but I must be missing that gene or have an extra hole in my head because I think that they are wonderful.  I think they can look cool, attractive, sexy, neato, classy, different, and awesome.  There are gross dreads out there, but I'm willing to take a chance that mine won't be among them.

They're a commitment, I get that.  They take guts, I understand.  But you know what?  I'm into doing things that force me to have guts and commit to stuff right now.  The person I always wanted to be wouldn't be afraid to have dreads.  She'd go right out and get them regardless of the fact that her mother pretty much said she wouldn't be attracting any men this year.  I want to be that strong, fearless girl.  I think I'm going to love the dreads.  I think I have the personality to carry them off, and to ignore the fact that every one in conservative Utah is going to think I'm crazy, especially the parents of my students.  As Johnny Clean, spokesman for DreadheadHQ, said "Dreads are different, and the people who wear them are different."

I stole this picture from a friend's blog.  Maybe someday I'll have dreads like that.  
That's the dream.  That's the plan.  Are you ready for The Insecurity?  The Insecurity says that they're going to look awful.  Mair hair is still above collar length, and the dreads are going to make it shorter.  I'll barely have a couple inches of dreads, a sort of white-girl dread-fro.  For the first month there will be elastics in my hair, I'll look ridiculous, and it will take years of looking goofy and weird before the dreads look good.  Then, perhaps worse, The Insecurity whispers that I'm going to look like I'm trying too hard.  Like I'm some wanna be hippie who thinks a hairstyle will make her be unique and interesting.

But however this adventure turns out.  I am not getting dreads because I'm a "dirty hippie burned out bum."  I'm getting because I love them.  As much as my hair has been driving me nuts during this growing out process, I've celebrated every millimeter of length to add to my dreads.

The last question I get from people is, "What are you going to do when school starts in the fall?"  I'm going to keep the dreads.  I've already cleared it with my principal. I'm committed to them for at least a year.  They may last for much longer than that, I don't know yet.  But I'm going to "give it the old college try."

D-Day is in 12 days.  


Unknown said...

I would tell you that I know you'll look absolutely stunning in your dreads, but I'm not really sure what they'll look like. I've known very few people with them. But I can safely say that you will be able to bring them off without any trouble. Although I was a doubter, and I don't intend to get any myself, I support your adventure as you boldly go, where no Eddington has gone.

Anonymous said...

great that you are doing this. before you go ahead, look into get up dread up on livejournal,,, etc. there are enough pictures and stories etc there to convince you that wax / rubber bands are not the way to go in the evnt you were considering them. good luck!