Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Another First for Miss E.

I gave two of my students the link to my blog today.  I dont' know how I feel about that.  I've never intended this blog to be really private, but I've also never intended it to be a public, award-winning blog either.  This is still mostly a forum in which I use blogging to keep friends involved in my life, practice my writing, and write out and define my own thoughts.  Having students here means I might question what I say when I talk about students or student work, blog during class (guilty secret), or be all honest and vulnerable about my ideas or my life.

I wavered back and forth for five minutes or so before giving them the link.  They're starting a blog of their own, after the style of the ones we've been reading in The Gospel According to Larry, and I want to welcome them into the blogging world and community.  They trusted me with the link to their blog, shouldn't I return the gesture of good faith?  Besides, haven't I been working to turn this blog into a slightly bigger deal?  Posting more and more often?  Linking to it on my facebook?  Becoming an active blogger?  I read the blogs of other teachers who have students read their blogs, and the world hasn't ended.  And I've only heard about one lawsuit regarding what teachers say on their blogs...That's not a happy thought.

But really, I don't insult or rant about students on here, right?  I share the occasional, humorous story with the names changed, and I think I've shared a few haiku and funny quotes from papers.  Besides, what are they going to find out me they haven't learned from spending hours a week listening to me ramble on?  By the end of the year, my students and I have spent more time together and seen each other on a more consistent basis than a lot of friends I made in college.  They're going to find out that I'm getting dreads, that I'm taking classes for history and GT, and that I have had boyfriends and sometimes still do.  Big deal, right? So, whether they every read my blog or not, I've opened up the possibility.

My students could be here.  Any moment.  Watching you.  Watching me.  Watching...


Di said...

Nooooo! Why on earth would you do that!?

Naazju said...

You're brave, but not alone. And the world ends in three days according to that one guy, so don't worry too much about it. ;)

Jacque said...

Have you considered having an alter ego, ie two blogs? One for students and the general population and another for the rest of us? On the other had, you now have up close and personal incentive to keep your cyberspace in order.

Paige Terner said...

Yes and thank you. :) I'm glad you did share it with us, because i feel like mow I've accomplished something.

Paige Terner and Sandee Beech said...

I agree with Paige! I agree with you too. Sharing it with your students isn't a life, death, or private situation. Thanks!
Thanks for checking out our blog!
-Sandee Beech.
And "Di", I think you should learn to trust, and trust others to make their own decisions. You are acting like she just gave the enemy the BIGGEST secret know to mankind! You're comment was a little dramatic. I'm sorry, I only speak my mind. Others may disagree, so that is ok. :)
-Sandee Beech

di said...


1) You do not have to put my name in quotes as if it is an alias. It is my name. And even were it an alias, internet etiquette dictates calling the blogger by whatever name they choose to blog under without quote marking them.

2) Internet comments are dramatic. That's just how the internet is. Everything is bigger and exaggerated for effect. It's also easy to misinterpret the things that people who have been best friends for the past... 15? years say to each other when you have no idea the relationship behind a comment.

3) I do trust Eve a lot. She knows more of my secrets than anyone except my husband. But just because I think she's a cool person and trust her as a human being doesn't mean both of us don't make choices the other thinks are stupid. I, personally, feel like giving students her blog address is a poor choice for a variety of reasons which I will detail if you actually want to know. Do I think it's the end of the world? No.